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Tuesday 26 September 2017

Best Way To Bypass Cyberoam Network Security | best way bypass Cyberoam to Access All Blocked Sites in College/Firm

Best Way To Bypass Cyberoam Network Security | best way bypass Cyberoam to Access All Blocked Sites in College/Firm.

As Per Survey, Cyberoam Network Security is used mostly to Access Internet but in Limited Access like, You are restricted to some of sites that are Blocked by Colleges or Office mostly. But Some Time you may want to get access to some of the sites as per need and in that Condition You can’t Access it due to Administration has blocked that site!

Here are the most Prominent and Easy Ways to Bypass Cyberoam Network Security i.e, You may get access to all sites without Entering any Username or Passwords where the Site is Blocked.
So, Let Us Start With these Handy tools:

1)TOR Browser: link

A Simple Browser (Much Similar To Mozilla FireFox) introduced by TOR Project is Freely available in market that allows you to surf internet anonymously!
The Tor Browser Bundle can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software.
TOR Browser Will automatically finds proxy servers from global range of servers building connection through an encrypted tunnel and then it will execute its Browser from where you can surf the net anonymously!

2)IP Address Trick:

Here it goes the IP(Internet Protocol) Trick i.e, There may be chance that Administrator of Cyberoam may have blocked the Sites Name but Not IP Of that Website!
So, You may able to Access that site by Putting that Sites IP in place of URL,
Now you will say how to Find IP of that Site then Its Easiest Trick is on Windows CMD(Command Prompt) Itself.

Open >> “CMD”(Command Prompt) from Accessories or Just Execute it from RUN.
Type >> “ping website name” here Website name is the Websites Domain Name,
For e.g, >> “ping” and then hit enter.
You will get above IP as Highlighted.Just Note it down and Put in Address Bar.
If you getting again Cyberoam Error than you may try Another Methods too!

3)Using Google Cached Pages:

As We all know that Google Bots Crawl Each Website for Indexing them in Search Engine , Google bots do caching of each site. You may use these cached pages to surf the Blocked site with this cache but may be Due to Some delay Google bot may have old cache i.e, Crawled Previous Days Site Cache may be of 3-7 days older than the latest one.

Just Search Website in Google or The keyword or Phrase you want to see from Site like
“enable mass storage mode android jelly”

You will see following Results and do Access Cached pages of that site.


UltraSurf is a lightweight and freeware program works as anti-censorship tool. It allows you to circumvent firewalls using proxies and employs encryption protocols for privacy. After Started, Ultrasurf Will automatically finds proxy servers from global range of servers building connection through an encrypted tunnel.
This is Portable Type of software i.e, it can be run through Pen Drive or portable storage devices too.

5)HotSpot Shield:

HotSpot Shield is the World’s Most Trusted Free VPN (Avail in Paid version too) and used by millions of people to access blocked content.

Once HotSpot Shield started it will assign Proxy Server and Build connection through an encrypted tunnel and then you may access blocked sites from any Browser securely and Privately.Final Words:
Bypassing Cyberoam is now possible with these simple tools but if Admin is Brilliant Minded and tightened the Security taking care of above things then you may find difficulty but As Per Our thinking any one of the program or trick will surely work on all Systems easily.
So, Have a freedom to Surf the Net anonymously!

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